Wednesday, March 16, 2011


After a four month hiatus which was mostly spent learning how to use hiatus in sentences properly, I decided to return to the blog world and write another amazing blog-post.

I think that I wasn't entirely prepared for how much work post-graduate work could really be--I've always been a firm believer in my high school math teachers formula that if you treat it like a job and put 40 hours a week towards school you should have weekends free and not have to worry about cramming. Graduate school is probably more than that though--the level is comparable to fourth year classes but without the nice break that first year classes provide.

That's my excuse for not blogging I suppose, but really I think that if you start to feel busy it starts to become a self-fulfilling kind of idea where you feel like you don't have time for things even though I could just restructure things and still blog at least twice a day. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately for you) blogging is not that high on my priority list.

Anyhow that's not the important reason I've returned to the world of blogging. The real reason has been to share this picture with you.

I think this would be a fitting slide in nearly any slideshow, I'm saddened that I already finished my slide show presentation for Aboriginal history class.

Anyhow, keep the internet on the right track bycontinuing to not read what I add to the information whirlwind that is the web.

(I also had the scary realization that my internet ramblings could be read by a future employer to which I confidently concluded that I stand by my lame academic jokes and furious [I was very intentional in that choice of adjective] prose that mark my forrays into internet journalism.

But really it's all hyperbole.


Kevin finding an outlet for paper writing stress.

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